Every morning, fill a few pages with stream-of-consciousness writing.
The concept of morning pages originates from The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. Cameron proposed the practice as a way to clear out blocked emotions and free up creativity. Even if you don’t consider yourself an artist, producing morning pages has numerous benefits. It can help you relax, find mental clarity, and live with more creativity and energy in every area of your life.
Sometimes, when you get stressed or tense, you may find it hard to discipline and focus your mind. Without an outlet for the tension, you bear the mental and emotional cost of these feelings. You risk taking out your negative emotions on other people or becoming distracted and finding it hard to complete important tasks. By dumping the contents of your brain onto paper, you can process your emotions and find a private outlet for them. This can lessen their intensity and free up mental space, better equipping you to meet the day.
When you first wake up in the morning, before you dive into your day, start writing. For many reasons, Cameron advocates writing by hand as opposed to typing. For example, she believes that the slower pace generates a deeper, more mindful approach, along with a more tactile experience. If you feel more comfortable using a computer, however, that still conveys many benefits. In any case, make sure you shield yourself from distractions, digital or otherwise (see Tool 1.3: Disconnect).
Regardless of the medium, start writing. You can set a goal to fill a particular number of pages (Cameron recommends three) or set a timer and write until it expires. Try to capture your initial, raw thoughts and resist the temptation to edit yourself, even if you find yourself thinking thoughts that feel unexpected or scary. Also, don’t worry about grammar or spelling. This is your private space, and nobody is here to judge or criticize you.
The purpose of using the Morning Pages tool is to foster your creativity and process mental obstacles by engaging with your thoughts and emotions. The key is to stay consistent, remain open to what comes up, and give yourself the space to explore your inner world.
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