Compound your benefits with more frequent sessions.
Many of us find it difficult to exercise. It can be hard to start and often feels like torture until it ends. You might think that the solution is to do less and rest longer between workouts. While this can be true for people who are overtraining, there’s a lot of value in sticking to a regular schedule. The less frequently we exercise, the more painful it feels and the tougher it is on the body. When we exercise often, however, our bodies release endorphins that make us feel good, motivating us to enjoy exercise and want to engage in it more.
If you only work out one or two times a week (or less), you may find it a struggle each time you decide to go to the gym or for a run. Adding in more sessions can help you move past this resistance by providing frequent reminders of why you choose to exercise, as well as more evidence of the benefits.
For best results, aim to put in at least three or four workout sessions each week, perhaps varying the type of activity to keep yourself engaged. You may be sore the day after you train and feel inclined to rest more, but as long as you haven’t sustained an injury, muscular soreness is just the body’s response to unaccustomed activity. It will soon adapt to an increased level of exercise.
To increase your desire to get off the couch and move, try finding a sport or game you enjoy (see Tool 4.2: Find Physical Activities You Enjoy). For a further motivational boost, you can hire a coach, join group sessions, or use an accountability buddy. Hopefully, with a little determination and support, you can quickly reach the point where extra sessions increase your morale rather than being a hurdle to overcome.
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